Topic Of The Month – Critical Illness Cover

September 16, 2019

Critical Illness Cover is designed to pay out a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with a serious illness – at a time you need it the most.

The costs between plans can vary considerably, as can the cover provided. Oakworth are able to research the market to find the best option for you.

To provide some context – let’s use an example;

  • An individual aged 35 non-smoker with an expected retirement age of 68.
  • For every 100 individuals matching this criteria, 18 will suffer a serious illness before their anticipated retirement age according to population and industry statistics.

How would your family cope financially?

As well as dealing with the emotional upheaval of a serious illness, it is important to consider whether you could cope financially if you or your partner fell seriously ill. Even if returning to work is an option after treatment and rest, you may need financial support to help you get back on your feet and adapt to life ahead without the financial worry.

What is your back-up plan?

A little peace of mind goes a long way when you’re dealing with a diagnosis and treatment plan. The road ahead may be uncertain but putting some financial protection in place will make getting to appointments, recuperating in your own time and dealing with everyday expenses easier. It eases life for your partner too, knowing that your finances are sorted.

Contact us today for a free, no obligation chat on 01977 600020, or alternatively by email on [email protected] to see how Critical Illness cover could work for you.

Jack Amery | Financial Advisor